Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jesus Paid His Taxes (and why you should too)

It's funny to watch people react to paying taxes this time of year. The eyebrows. The voice inflections. The body language. April 15th is not usually considered "National High Five Day" on the street.

I have a friend who teaches his kids to pay taxes. Their not even teenagers yet. When asked to retrieve a cookie or other food item the father often returns with a bit out of the cookie before giving it to his kids. Sometimes he surprises them by not collecting taxes. Regardless, they are learning an important lesson early on. I doubt I would have liked this lesson as a kid but it's probably better to learn earlier rather than later on in life. I'm thinking of doing this for Charlotte and any other kids we have. But I'm undecided at this point. Here's why:

Matthew 17:24 After they arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the temple tax came to Peter and said, "Your teacher pays the double drachma tax, doesn't he?" 17:25 He said, "Yes." When Peter came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, "What do you think, Simon? From whom do earthly kings collect tolls or taxes - from their sons or from foreigners?" 17:26 After he said, "From foreigners," Jesus said to him, "Then the sons are free. 17:27 But so that we don't offend them, go to the lake and throw out a hook. Take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth, you will find a four drachma coin. Take that and give it to them for me and you" (NET).

It's ok that we pay taxes. It means we aren't sons of this country... and that's a good thing! There's a better kingdom coming and it is tax free for the sons and daughters who get there. It's a free gift to get in too (cf Rom 3:23-26) but you got to believe in the right entrance (Matt 7:13-14). Just as an aside, it doesn't appear that the President of the United States is a son either. He's paying $1.8 million in 2009 taxes. He has yet to receive his Presidential Medal of Freedom. Those recipients don't have to pay taxes any more right?

Jesus spoke a bit more about taxes during the Passion Week (and Kingdom "taxes"):

Matthew 22:15 Then the Pharisees went out and planned together to entrap him with his own words. 22:16 They sent to him their disciples along with the Herodians, saying, "Teacher, we know that you are truthful, and teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You do not court anyone's favor because you show no partiality. 22:17 Tell us then, what do you think? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?"
22:18 But Jesus realized their evil intentions and said, "Hypocrites! Why are you testing me? 22:19 Show me the coin used for the tax." So they brought him a denarius. 22:20 Jesus said to them, "Whose image is this, and whose inscription?" 22:21 They replied, "Caesar's." He said to them, "Then give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." 22:22 Now when they heard this they were stunned, and they left him and went away (NET).

It's easy to say, "See! We are supposed to pay taxes to the government (Caesar)" as indicated by Jesus. But there's a better lesson here. We are to give to God that which bears His image just as we give to "Caesar" that which bears "Caesar's" image. So what bears God's image?

According to Gen 1:26-31 mankind bears God's image. Interesting. Without getting into all that the imago dei involves, it is does help us understand what Jesus was talking about when he said "and [give] to God the things that are God's." Each person bears God's image. We are to give ourselves to Him.

That may mean dying the martyr's death in the worst case scenario. God's tax. It's not a financial return. It's your very life.

"I hate paying taxes to the govt!" you might say. "They are so high!" you might continue. However God's "taxes" are higher. I wonder how much you hate paying God's tax? Is it the same hate you pay taxes to the local, state and federal govt? It is a constant daily struggle isn't it? Kingdom of God taxes sure are high. God demands our every act to be in obedience to him. Love your neighbor. Love God. Love our enemies. Serve all. Reach out to the poor. Make his way known among the nations. It might cost you your very life let alone every second you live in life. Give God what is God's. That is a much higher "tax."

Do you grumble at God's tax too? The Kingdom of God tax is higher than the earthly govt taxes you pay and those make everyone grumble.

It's an amazing thing that Matthew did not stop writing at verse 22:22. Matt 22:23-33 is just the encouragement one should have to really give to God that which bears His image and pay the high tax for the Kingdom of God.

If you grumble at this world's taxes needing to be paid, do you also grumble at the tax God requires? Do you excuse yourself from giving to God that which is God's? And do you think it is hypocritical to not complain about God's more costly tax but complain about the taxes here in the USA... ones God instructs us to pay (in obedience to Him)? Paying taxes to the USA is part of giving to God that which is God's. He gave authority and power to the ruling govt. He instructs us to be good citizens to the govt currently over us. 1 Peter has a good deal to say about this matter.

So here on April 15, I'd just like to offer this friendly little reminder on how to think about taxes from Jesus' perspective.

On the Move

If left unstrapped, Charlotte has found a way to inch her way almost completely out of her little bouncy chair. I feel so blessed to be home with her each day to see all the ways she changes right before my eyes.

Pullin' a Fast One

I put Charlotte in her swing for the first time in a few weeks and she enjoyed it with a whole new gusto - a gusto that almost sent her over the edge! She's getting to be so much fun!

Miles of Smiles

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

My mom, Grandma Taylor, gave Charlotte her first Easter dress. I even ventured to put her first bow in her hair for this special occasion. It was a delightful day spent celebrating the resurrection at church in the morning and then for a spa day afternoon with my good friend Marnie. My first time away from Charlotte for more than three hours and it was so wonderful to relax. Thanks so much Marnie! Not to say I didn't miss her even in that short time. But it did show me that I do need to take time for me every now and then.

I am so thankful our Lord rose again and has promised us eternal life with him for those who believe (1 Corinthians 15). I am grateful to him for wonderful family and friends and am happy to celebrate such a joyous occasion.

Someone likes sweet potato.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blessing in disguise....or is it?

In disguise, that is.

I was thinking about this on my way to the hospital today to go through the first part of a thyroid scan. I'll give a little background...Through various symptoms I ended up getting my blood tested for thyroid irregularities. The tests showed positive levels for hyperthyroidism. My endocrinologist thought it is more than likely postpartum thyroiditis due to the fact that I have no history of elevated thyroid levels, but wanted to do a more thorough scan to ensure it's not graves disease or goiter on my thyroid. The problem was that before the scan I have to take a radioactive iodine pill that illuminates my thyroid for the scan the next day. When you take the pill you can't breast feed for three days. The bigger problem is that Charlotte had yet to take a bottle before this week. So, after working with her for this past week and trying out about a gazillion (blogger thinks "gazillion" is a word because it didn't highlight it for spell checking - funny!) different nipples, she finally took a bottle from me.

At first thought of it all when I found out I had to take this test and knowing I couldn't breastfeed for three days, and how I've tried and failed to give Charlotte a bottle for months now, I was very discouraged and tried to find every way I could to get out of it. It turned out my doctor is very thorough and wouldn't go with my personally prescribed plan to treat it without knowing what it is, so she convinced me to go with the test and get a legit prognosis. So, I was looking ahead to today with much dread, worrying my little mind to pieces thinking of how awful these three days would be if she doesn't take the bottle, dreaming up the absolute worst case scenario - she won't eat for three whole days and will have to go to the hospital and be put on an IV and then she'll never nurse from me again.....yeah, those are the things that go through this neurotic mind of mine. Then it turned out with a bit of practice each day and the right nipple, she started to take the bottle. She even took it from me, after reading countless literature (ie. google searches) about how the baby won't take it from the mother, and all but giving up hope.

That brings us to today and me driving to the hospital to get radioactivated. I was thinking about how I had prayed all week about Charlotte taking a bottle from both me and Peter, and also for the end of the week when she can breastfeed again, that she would resume with little problem. I was thinking of how the Lord answers prayer. Not only did he answer prayer to get her to take a bottle from us, but he also answered another prayer of mine for Peter and I to get more time together. I had no idea he'd fuse the two together. It turns out that now with Charlotte taking a bottle, we now have more freedom to leave her with a sitter for more than the three hours I had before between feedings. We can actually go on a date and I can actually go off on my own - alone! - what a concept! I haven't been away from Charlotte for almost five months now, for more than a three hour span at a time. In the process I think I've lost a bit of myself. Granted, if I am away from her for even that long I end up missing her like crazy and don't know how I'd handle a whole day away, but that's not the point. The point is that the Lord has given me the freedom to do so and I praise him for that.

So, what I thought was going to be a huge burden ended up becoming a multi-part blessing. God is so good, all the time. He knows what I need more than I even do and he provides above and beyond what I could ever need in this lifetime. So often I feel like the disciples on the boat freaking out in the storm as the waves are crashing in all around them (Matthew 8:23-27). They go to the Lord, who is asleep in the boat, mind you, and asks them who have such little faith why they're so afraid. In a single word he calms the storm. Oh me of little faith indeed! How easily I doubt when he's there the whole time, so calm about what I see as a huge tragedy, that he's even sleeping. He knows there's nothing to worry about because he's right by my side the whole time. With the Lord in my boat, there's nothing to fear. He leaves no blessing in disguise.